Jamon COVAP Alta Expresión D.O. Los Pedroches Ham

Jamon COVAP Alta Expresión D.O. Los Pedroches Ham

100% Iberico de Bellota, Pata Negra

  • €90.47/kg
  • €76.90/kgIreland VAT included
4.6 (36 reviews)
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€76.90/kg VAT included
100% purebred Iberian (pata negra)
Bellota Top quality: pig fed exclusively on acorns (more)
From 40 to 48 months.
Los Pedroches, Córdoba
Hind leg
Hog cuts: ham
Cooperativa Andaluza Ganadera Del Valle De Los Pedroches
Nutrition facts
Each 100 grams of this ham contains the following, approximately: Calories (Energy): 347 Kcal / 1438 KJ, Protein: 32 g, Total carbohydrate: 0,7 g (Sugars 0,5 g), Total Fat: 24 g (9 g Saturated fat), Salt: 4,9 g
Iberian ham, sea salt and preservatives (E-250, E-252). Gluten free.
Mountain-raised 100% purebred Iberian hogs.
Storing and expiry date
It depends on the format. See "Presentation".
Sales statistics
On sale since August 16, 2008.
Nº 18 in repeat purchase : 11.9% of customers have re-ordered this product.

Hams and shoulders are not packed in individual cartons. We place all the items you purchase in the smallest possible number of cartons to save on shipping costs. If you prefer having them packed in a different way, email us at info@ibergour.com indicating how many hams/shoulders you want, where you want them shipped and how you want them packed. We will calculate the additional cost of shipping according to your indications.

We ship the whole ham wrapped in grease-free paper and an outside cloth wrapper, all encased in a plastic bag for maximum hygiene. When you receive it, take it out of the bag and remove all the wrapping. You can keep it hung by the string at room temperature for up to 6 months before starting it. Once cutting has started, consume it in 1-2 months.

The ham in its cloth casing
The ham in its cloth casing

We remove the rind and the bone, cutting it into as many parts as you wish, and vacuum wrap each piece separately. We leave only the edible fat (ready to slice and serve).

  • Keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Expires 6 months after delivery.
  • Once a piece is unwrapped it should be consumed within 2 weeks.
  • Bones are included for making broth and in cooking.
Vacuum boned ham, with bones
Vacuum boned ham, with bones

We slice your entire ham and wrap the slices in 100-gram vacuum packs, separating them with plastic strips for easier serving.

  • Keep in the refrigerator.
  • Expires 6 months after delivery.
  • Once a pack has been opened, consume it within 2-3 days.
  • Bones are included for making broth and cooking.

We can slice the ham by machine (+€36.14) or with a knife (+€77.88).

Sliced ham, with bones
Sliced ham, with bones

Precinto y Vitola que certifican la calidad Bellota de la denominación de origen Los Pedroches

La vitola negra en la pezuña de estos jamones indica que han sido otorgados con la calidad Bellota, la calidad más alta de la D.O. Los Pedroches.

Eso significa que el Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen de Los Pedroches certifica que éste es uno de los mejores jamones ibéricos de bellota que se producen en España.

El marcaje de los cerdos y la certificación de la pureza de la raza porcina, la supervisión de la alimentación (a base de bellota), los controles en el sacrificio, de la salazón y de los tiempos de secado, son la mejor garantía de la calidad de estos jamones.

Más información sobre el jamón de Los Pedroches »

Average rating:
36 reviews

Sono cliente già da un pò di anni e sono veramente soddisfatto sia del servizio che dalla qualità del prosciutto .

I have been a customer for a few years now and I am really satisfied with both the service and the quality of the ham.

December 4, 2022
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian
Juan fernando
Paris, Francia
Dulce en boca con poco aromaSweet in mouth with little aroma

Agradable al corte, mas sin embargo pocas vetas de tirosina para un ibérico puro y bellota , precinto negro. Muy dulce aun en el jarrete y con pocos aromas . A pesar de más de 30 meses de curado, Poco queda del sabor en boca comparado con jabugo . lastima que no se puedan hacer tests en una tienda formal antes de la compra o que no se dispongan de muestras al vacío para evitar empezar el corte.
El cuchillo , lamina bien , pero empuñadura de muy mala calidad que después de unos 10 cortes y’a se ha quebrado.
Soporte jamonero agradable al uso.
El servicio de envío y contacto al cliente es muy bueno.

Pleasant to the cut, but nevertheless few veins of tyrosine for a pure Iberian and acorn, black seal. Very sweet even in the hock and with few aromas. Despite more than 30 months of curing, little remains of the taste in the mouth compared to jabugo. It's a pity that you can not do tests in a formal store before buying or that vacuum samples are not available to avoid starting the cut. The knife, rolls well, but grip of very poor quality that after about 10 cuts y'a has broken. Ham holder pleasant to use. The service of sending and contacting the customer is very good.

December 27, 2018
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in spanish
Michael Fletcher
Michael Fletcher
United Kingdom
Excellent quality.

Delicious example of bellota ham. Just what we had hoped for. Arrived quickly and efficiently and will enlighten our Christmas.

December 17, 2017
Top del Top.- se cercate un prodotto di massimo livello, non esitate e ordinate COVAP Bellota 100% Pata NegraTop of the Top.- If you are looking for a top-notch product, do not hesitate and order COVAP Bellota 100% Pata Negra

Questo prosciutto è realizzato secondo i criteri di uno stretto disciplinare, con maiali puri iberici 100%, alimentati naturalmente allo stato brado con bellotas (ghiande di quercia), nel periodo di "montanera", cioè quello dedicato alla crescita significativa del peso dell'animale, con una marezzatura della carne perfetta. La zona di allevamento è denominata "Valle de los Pedroches" ed è vicina a Cordoba in Andalusia. Una perfetta stagionatura di 40 mesi circa e la cura del processo produttivo di COVAP, sono la vosyra garanzia per un prodotto finale di altissima qualità e gusto! Per la mia valutazione personale, questo è di gran lunga il miglior Pata Negra che ho mai mangiato (e ne ho assaggiati tanti, sia direttamente in Spagna che importati in Italia). Top del Top! Assolutamente consigliato l'acquisto. Se vi piacciono le eccellenze enogastronomiche, sono soldi ben spesi!
ECEZIONALE IBEROGUR che mi ha impressionato per professionalità e rapidità (in tre giorni il prodotto è arrivato a Verona, Italia).

This ham is made according to the criteria of a strict discipline, with pure 100% iberic pigs, naturally fed to the bearded state with bellotas (oak acorns), during the "montanera" period, ie the one dedicated to the significant growth of the weight of the animal , with a perfect marbling of the perfect meat. The breeding area is called "Valle de los Pedroches" and is near Cordoba in Andalusia. A perfect maturation of about 40 months and the care of the COVAP production process are the vosy guarantee for a finest quality product and taste! For my personal assessment, this is by far the best Pata Negra I have ever eaten (and I tasted so many, both directly in Spain and imported in Italy). Top of the Top! Absolutely recommended the purchase. If you like food and wine excellence, you are well spent money! ECEZIONALE IBEROGUR which impressed me for professionalism and speed (in three days the product arrived in Verona, Italy). Compliments.

October 26, 2017
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian
Another super Ham

This Ham arrived as usual well packed and in three days from Barcelona.
I have bought more than 10 Bellotta hams from Ibergour, this one ranges among the very best. Tast, aroma looks.Super.

October 25, 2017

Browse all 36 reviews

We ship to all countries in the European Union, United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Monaco.

Shipping speeds for Ireland [choose a different destination]
Standard Shipping€21.46To be delivered between Tuesday, April 01 and Thursday, April 03 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it)*
Super Express shipping€156.96To be delivered between tomorrow Thursday, March 27 and Friday, March 28 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it)*

* These dates are valid if you do not request any handling. If you request any additional service (boning, slicing, etc.), add 2 working days.

You will choose your shipping speed later at checkout, after you fill in your delivery address.

¿Do you want it delivered on a different date?
Contact us after placing your order, and we will ship it on the date of your choice.

More information and shipping rates »

We guarantee that you will love your ham from start to end, or we will pick it up for free and give you a full refund
We guarantee that you will love your ham from start to end, or we will pick it up for free and give you a full refund
  • 6 months guarantee
  • No questions asked
  • No small print
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How to slice a spanish cured ham

The slicing of a ham with a knife is part of the genuine, quality Iberico ham tasting experience. It is a simple process too, with the right equipment. Nevertheless, certain safety measures should be observed.

  • Use a holder designed for this purpose, to keep the ham firmly in place.
  • When slicing, the hand not holding the knife should always be higher than the hand holding the knife.
  • Keep your body at a safe distance from the cutting area.
  • Slice slowly, without applying too much force.

See a complete step by step guide, with images.

Slicing manual:
How to slice a jamon (PDF 1.1 MB)

Download our jamon slicing manual
(PDF 1,1 MB)

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