Customers' reviews

Jamon Cerdos Extremeños Cebo de Campo Ham

Jamon Cerdos Extremeños Cebo de Campo Ham

Jamon Cerdos Extremeños Cebo de Campo Ham

€287.938.25 to 9 kg jamones
Average rating:
23 reviews
Jamon Cerdos Extremeños Cebo de Campo SchinkenJamon Cerdos Extremeños Cebo de Campo Ham

Habe dieses Jahr das Angebot von iberdour angenommen und den Schinken in 4 Teilen bestellt. Sonst habe ich immer Keulen bestellt, weil mir das ausschneiden viel Freude bereitet. Leider sind wir meistens nur zu zweit. Da ist es viel Aufwand mit wieder einpacken. Diesen Schinken habe ich das erste mal bestellt. Er ist absolut top im Geschmack und in der Konsistens.
Super eigepackt und luftdicht verschweißt. Für uns im Moment ideal. Übrigens der beste Schinken, denn wir bis jetzt gekauft haben. Alle anderen waren natürlich auch gut bis sehr gut.

This year I accepted the offer from iberdour and ordered the ham in 4 pieces. I have always ordered legs because I enjoy cutting it up. Unfortunately, there are usually only two of us. It is a lot of work to repack it. This is the first time I have ordered this ham. It has an absolutely top-notch taste and consistency. Super packed and hermetically sealed. Ideal for us at the moment. Incidentally, it is the best ham we have bought so far. All the others were of course good to very good too.

November 18, 2024
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De nuevo, cliente satisfechoAgain, satisfied customer

Con Ibergour estoy tranquilo, tanto por producto como por servicio.
Estamos disfrutando de un jamón estupendo.
Esperemos poder repetir, si la economía lo permite ;)

With Ibergour I am calm, both for product and service. We are enjoying a great ham. Hopefully we can repeat, if the economy allows it;)

November 27, 2021
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Danièle REVAH
Bruxelles, Belgique
Un régal !A delight !

A la fois bien maturé et fondant, ce jambon va nous accompagner pour tous les apéros de cette fin d'année et ceux de début 2021.
Nous commandons chaque année "les yeux fermés" chez Ibergour.

Both well matured and tender, this ham will accompany us for all the aperitifs at the end of the year and those at the beginning of 2021. We order every year "with closed eyes" at Ibergour.

November 14, 2020
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North Bersted UK

I used to buy jamones from suppliers in the UK not to the best quality ,until I remembered that I have used Ibergour once before.The jamon arrived before the date given to us, excellent service by DPD.The jamon is of very good quality so good that in just over two weeks we , my wife and I, have eaten half of it, we had a small query about the label that Miguel solved for us with no hesitation even offered a replacement but I didn't think that was necessary. I must say I have found Miguel extremely helpful and Ibergour should be very proud of this employee! I am just considering my next jamon my next jamon. Buen provecho!

August 21, 2020
Excellent Iberico

Very satisfied with the jamon.
As some reviewers commented, it has quite a lot of fat. This is what you get when you buy Iberico instead of other breeds that naturally carry less fat... and less flavour. Here you get more fat and more flavour. Keep the fat and use it to cook (e.g. melt a bit of this fat to cook your eggs on it in the morning)
The delivery was very fast and the packaging was perfect.
Pricey and worth it.

July 31, 2020
Koller Susanne
Koller Susanne
Salzburg, Österreich
Super Ware!Super goods!

Habe den Schinken für meine Geburtstagsfeier bestellt. Wir waren alle total begeistert! Wir werden sicher bei Gelegenheit wieder einen bestellen!

Ordered the ham for my birthday party. We were all absolutely thrilled! We will certainly order one again on occasion!

March 9, 2020
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Padova, Italia
Buono, per essere un Cebo de CampoGood, for being a Cebo de Campo

E' il primo Cebo de Campo che acquistiamo. Finora avevamo sempre comprato prosciutti o spalle di gamma più alta. Ma consumandone parecchio (parte della famiglia è spagnola...) le spese cominciavano ad essere eccessive... Come aspetto ed al taglio è forse il più bel prosciutto che abbiamo acquistato qui. Poco grasso e stagionatura adeguata. E' veramente un prodotto notevole in tutti i sensi, direi da manuale. Ci è mancato naturalmente quel sapore particolare dato dall'alimentazione con sole ghiande, riconoscibilissimo dagli amatori. Si tratta comunque di un prodotto estremamente valido che consiglio a chi non vuole spendere molto.

It is the first Cebo de Campo we buy. Up to now, we have always bought higher quality hams or shoulders. But consuming a lot (part of the family is Spanish ...) the expenses were beginning to be excessive ... As for appearance and cutting it is perhaps the most beautiful ham we have bought here. Little fat and adequate seasoning. It is truly a remarkable product in every sense, I would say from the textbook. We naturally missed that particular flavor given by the diet with acorns only, very recognizable by amateurs. However, this is an extremely valid product that I recommend to those who do not want to spend a lot.

December 29, 2019
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Stefania Stefanini
Stefania Stefanini
Lo stiamo divorando!!We are devouring it !!

Molto buono, apprezzato da tutta la famiglia sicuramente ripeteremo l'acquisto con un altro prosciutto il quale rispetto alla paleta risulta con meno grasso e quindi più godibile.

Very good, appreciated by the whole family, we will certainly repeat the purchase with another ham which, compared to the paleta, results in less fat and therefore more enjoyable.

November 19, 2018
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Dieter Schmitz
Dieter Schmitz
Overath, Deutschland
Sehr empfehlenswertHighly recommended

Die bestellte Ware kam pünktlich und hervorragend verpackt an. Die herausragende Qualität des Schinkens ist mir seit Jahre bekannt und fand auch bei dieser Lieferung wieder ihre Bestätigung.

The ordered goods arrived punctually and excellently packed. The outstanding quality of the ham has been known to me for years and was also confirmed in this delivery.

January 3, 2018
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Inmejorable relación calidad precio, jamón de principio a fin.Unbeatable value for money, ham from start to finish.

Es un jamon con una inmejorable calidad precio. No tiene desperdicios, sólo jamón del bueno de principio a fin. Lo recomiendo sin dudas.

It is a ham with an unbeatable value for money. It has no waste, only ham good from start to finish. I recommend it without doubt.

December 17, 2016
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inmejorabe relacion calidad preciounbeatable value for money

El jamón está buenísimo y en su punto perfecto de curación. Seguró que repetire compra y marca.
Inmejorable calidad

The ham is great and in the perfect healing point. It sure repeat myself buying and brand. excellent quality

September 30, 2016
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Alfonso A.
Excelente saborexcellent taste

Gran calidad, este producto es altamente recomendable, el proceso de compra y el envío han sido totalmente satisfactorios y, por supuesto, el Jamón (al que le esta quedando menos ya) es para repetir :)

High quality, this product is highly recommended, the process of buying and shipping have been completely satisfactory and, of course, Ham (which it is becoming less and) is to repeat :)

August 11, 2016
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région parisienne
Très bon jambon ceboVery good ham cebo

Cela fait ma 3ème commande chez ibergour, et c'est mon 1er jambon.
J'avais commandé des épaules 5j et Cerdos extremenos Bellota du même producteur que ce jambon.
Le jambon cebo est plus coûteux et d'une qualité moindre sur le papier qu'une épaule bellota.
Mais à la dégustation il est très bon, n'ayant de bellota à côté je ne peux faire la différence (surement plus parfumé et plus fondant pour le Bellota).
De plus ce jambon à peu de gras à retiré par rapports aux épaules que j'avais commandé.
Il y a beaucoup plus de viande que sur une épaule et en finalité le jambon a un rapport (gras, os/viande) plus avantageux que sur une épaule.
Le jambon est très moelleux sans être trop gras. Il est très parfumé.
Cela va être difficile de reprendre une épaule la prochaine fois.
Merci à José pour ces conseils.

This is my 3rd order with IberGour, and this is my first ham. I ordered the 5d and shoulders Bellota Cerdos EXTREMENOS the same producer that ham. The cebo ham is more expensive and of lower quality on paper that bellota shoulder. But tasting is very good, having Bellota next I can not tell the difference (probably more fragrant and more based on Bellota). In addition to this ham with little fat removed by reports shoulders that I had ordered. There is a lot more meat than on one shoulder and purpose ham has a ratio (fat, bone / meat) more advantageous over one shoulder. The ham is very soft without being too bold. It is very fragrant. It will be difficult to resume a shoulder next time. Thank you to Jose for these tips.

May 9, 2016
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Fernando Fernandes
Viana do Castelo
Muito boa relação qualidade/preçoMuito boa relação qualidade / preço

Já compramos este preseunto há longo tempo e os nossos Clientes ficam sempre satisfeitos com a qualidade apresentada - textura, gordura e sabor.

Já bought this preseunto ha longo tempo e os nossos MACIF Customers semper com apresentada qualidade satisfeitos - texture, fat and flavor.

September 19, 2014
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Dominic Drums
Dominic Drums
SE London

This is the first time I have bought a whole ham and after lots or research I chose Recebo as it is from free range Iberico but not quite as expensive as Bellota. The ham arrived when promised and it is absolutely delicious, the best I have ever had. When this is finished I will buy another.

September 15, 2014
Lara Martín
Lara Martín
Berlín, Alemania
De buena calidad y sabrosoGreat quality and tasty

El jamón es de buena calidad, la carne es tierna y sabrosa. Tuvimos un pequeño problema, pero el servicio de atención nos lo solucionó rápido. ¡Sin duda repetiremos!

Great quality! The meat is really tasty. We had a little problem, but the customer service gave us a solution quickly. We will repeat without a doubt!

September 1, 2014
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miguel moreno solaz
miguel moreno solaz
draveil francia

jamon de cerdos extremenos calida precio bueno barios amigos lo an probado y estan contentos tiene un sabor bueno producto bien presentado y trasporte bueno y rapido

Extremadura ham warm good price as an bariums friends tested and are happy it tastes good product well presented and good and fast transport

February 3, 2012
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beaucoup trop de grastoo much fat

du gras, du gras et encore du gras . Sur un jambon de 6 kilos, impossible de sortir 1.5 kgs de viande; le reste n' est que du gras. SINON, la viande est de très bon gout, vraiment agréable. La société ibergour a accepté de me reprendre le jambon et m' a integralement remboursé : BRAVO ibergour pour votre sérieux!

Fat, fat and more fat. A ham 6 pounds, impossible to leave 1.5 kgs of meat, the rest n 'is that fat. ELSE, the meat is very good taste, really nice. The company ibergour agreed to take me ham and m 'a full refund: BRAVO ibergour for your serious!

January 26, 2012
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Hannover, Deutschland
Bestellung von Pata NegraOrder of Pata Negra

Hannover, 01.012012
Ich bedanke mich sehr für die sehr schnelle Lieferung der bestellten
Produkte. Wir sind mit der Qualität des berühmten Pata Negra sehr
zufrieden und werden Ihre Erzeugnisse weiterempfehlen!
Mit freundlichem Gruß,sowie einem guten neuen Jahr.

Hanover, 01.012012 Thank you very much for the quick delivery of products ordered. We are pleased with the quality of the famous Pata Negra are very satisfied and recommend your products! With kind regards, and a good new year. E. Boettcher

January 1, 2012
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Hamburg, Deutschland
Beständige QualitätConsistent quality

Dieser Schinken erfreut jedes Jahr die ganze Familie. Im direkten Vergleich mit einem Serrano Schinken wie man ihn in deutschen Supermärkten findet überzeugt er absolut. Gut gereift, mittel hoher Fettanteil und die leicht nussige Note bilden eine Harmonie. Besser geht es für den Preis nicht.

This ham is joyous for the whole family. In direct comparison with Serrano ham as he was in German supermarkets is convinced it absolutely. Well matured, moderately high fat content and the slightly nutty flavor form a harmony. Good as it gets for the price.

November 18, 2011
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Good value for money

Not the best iberico ham I have tried but overall very good value for money, good taste, promptly delivered as described and definitely I would recommend this product to anyone who would like to try a good iberico ham at affordable price.

December 24, 2010
gian franco dessena
sardegna (Orosei)
un caloroso aprezzamento per la qualità e cortesia del gruppo.a warm appreciation for the quality and courtesy of the group.

desidero dare un giudizio molto reale sui prodotti da me comprati. sono decisamente all'altezza dei migliori prosciutti che il mercato offre. molto veloci e servizievoli nella consegna. un ringraziamento per i regali che vengono donati a noi acquirenti. ma sopratutto serietà e qualità eccezionale. grazie

I would like to judge very real product I bought. are definitely the best hams at the market offers. Fast delivery and very helpful. thanks for the gifts that are donated to us buyers. but above all reliability and exceptional quality. thanks

May 28, 2010
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Rafael C.
Rafael C.
Halborrache, España
La parte más seca...The driest part ...

La parte mas seca deja bastante que desear y la parte mas gorda no esta mal.

The driest part leaves much to be desired and the more fat is not bad.

April 15, 2010
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