Customers' reviews

Jamon D.O. Los Pedroches Bellota Ham

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Jamon D.O. Los Pedroches Bellota Ham
Average rating:
22 reviews
Hector Castro
Hector Castro
Excellent quality!

I've tried a few different hams on here but this is absolutely spectacular! Joselito has the fame and Cinco Jotas the constancy both deserve their notoriety, believe me. But I fear I may have found a new gem purely by accident.

December 20, 2015
Dietzer Iwanitzky
Gelnhausen / Deutschland
Dieser Schinken ist ganz hervorragend Note 1This ham is quite outstanding Grade 1

Ein tolles Produkt dieser Schinken ich bewerte diesen Schinken mit der Note sehr sehr gut ich werde diesen Schinken nochmal bestellen

A great product that I rate this ham ham with a score very very well, I will order this ham again

November 21, 2014
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Anunciada Gonzalez benavides
Anunciada Gonzalez benavides
excesiva grasaExcessive fat

para ser un jamon de la supuesta calidad que he pagado, el jamon es muy bueno de sabor pero he limpiado al menos 1kg de grasa, lo que me parece excesivo.
calculo que he pagado el Kg a 60€.
No lo volveria a comprar. ni aconsejar.
Esta opinion no es positiva es solo para ustedes.

be a ham for the supposed quality I paid, the ham is very good flavor but I cleaned at least 1kg of fat, which seems excessive. I estimate that I paid 60 € Kg. Not what you purchase. or advise. This opinion is not positive is just for you. Atentamente.Anun

October 16, 2014
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firenze, italia
prosciutto Los Pedrochesham Los Pedroches

Spedizione e consegna puntuale come sempre. Il prosciutto, è la terza volta che l'acquisto, e devo dire che è sempre di ottima qualità. Unica perplessità è il fatto che ho acquistato un prosciutto di 7,5 Kg e al peso risultava di circa 7 Kg.

Shipping and delivery on time as always. The ham is the third time that the purchase, and I have to say that it is always of excellent quality. Only concern is the fact that I bought a ham and weight of 7.5 kg resulted in about 7 Kg

May 12, 2013
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Envio rapido jamon de muy buen saborFast shipping great-tasting ham

Es un jamon de muy buen sabor. Mejor consumirlo rapido. Buen nivel de grasa. Buen nivel de sal. El envio fue rapidisimo!

It's a great-tasting ham. Better eat it fast. Good level of fat. Good level of salt. The shipping was lightning fast!

November 16, 2012
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firenze, italia
los pedrochesLos Pedroches

Ho ripetuto l'acquisto del Los Pedroches, più grande rispetto al primo. Questa volta non sono rimasto assolutamente soddisfatto della stagionatura, all'interno dalla parte del grasso è risultato abbastanza crudo pur mantenendo una buona profumazione ed un buon sapore.

I repeated the purchase of the Los Pedroches, larger than the first. This time I was not completely satisfied with the seasoning into the side of the fat was relatively raw while maintaining good scent and taste good.

September 19, 2012
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Franck - 45 ans
Franck - 45 ans
Lyon - France
A partager entre amisShare with friends

Il est impératif d'avoir de bons amis et de beaux flacons pour partager ce jambon.
Pour nous c'était le cas.
Excellent parfum, puissance aromatique et gustative, belles veine de gras.
A recommander

It is imperative to have good friends and nice bottles to share this ham. For us it was the case. Excellent fragrance, powerful aroma and taste, fine vein of fat. Recommend

May 29, 2012
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firenze, italia
Prosciutto veramente buonoHam really good

Non sono un esperto di prosciutto iberico, in genere consumo prosciutto di Parma e/o toscano.
E' la prima volta che compro su ibergour e sono molto soddisfatto dei tempi di consegna e della qualità del prosciutto che ha un ottimo aroma ed un sapore dolce di vaniglia. Forse un pò troppo secco dalla parte opposta al grasso.

I'm not an expert on Iberian ham, Parma ham consumption in general and / or Tuscan. It 's the first time that I buy on ibergour and I am very pleased with the delivery and quality of the ham that has an excellent aroma and sweet flavor of vanilla. Maybe a little too dry on the side opposite to the fat.

May 21, 2012
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Bertrand. L
Bertrand. L
Lyon France
du gout du goutthe taste of taste

Enfin un vrai jambon de Bellota. Belle graisse présente en quantité idéale. Pas trop sec ni trop frais et un gout sublime de noisette. Je découvre avec grand plaisir cette appellation. Rapport qualité prix irréprochable, à conseiller et à tester.

Finally a real ham of Bellota. Beautiful fat present in ideal amount. Not too dry or fresh and sublime taste of hazelnut. I discovered with great pleasure that name. Value for money impeccable, to advise and testing.

May 7, 2012
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fabio mantovani
Voghera ( PV ) Italia
Prodotto buono e genuinoGood product and genuine

Devo fare i complimenti, per prima cosa, sulla velocità di spedizione: in 3 giorni il pacco con l'ordinazione è giunto a destinazione.
Ho assaggiato con curiosità questo prosciutto ( avevo già provato altri salumi e prosciutti iberici ) e sono rimasto molto soddisfatto: ottima resa e sapore intenso.
Da provare e riprovare sicuramente.

Do I have to compliment, first, the speed of delivery: 3 days in the package with the order has arrived. I tasted this ham with curiosity (I had already tried other Iberian hams and sausages) and I was very satisfied, excellent yield and intense flavor. Try and try again definitely.

January 1, 2012
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draguignan france

Je commande chaque année un jambon et ma préférence jusqu'à présent allait vers le cinquo jotas mais celui_ci le surpasse en richesse de goût. C'est un jambon de très grande qualité et je ne serai pas étonné qu'il devienne le numéro un des achats.

I order a ham every year and so far my preference was to cinquo jotas but it surpasses in richness of taste. This ham is a very high quality and I would not be surprised if he becomes the number one shopping.

December 26, 2011
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Exquisito jamónDelicious Ham

Es un excelente jamón, sobre todo me ha gustado que no tiene exceso de sal. Lo he encontrado muy jugoso, aromático y con un color muy intenso.

It's a great ham, I especially liked that no excess salt. I found it very juicy, aromatic and with a very intense color.

October 31, 2011
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Un jamón diferenteA different ham

Excelente jamón. Muy sabroso. Diferente al de Jabugo o el de Guijuelo. Muy recomendable para todos aquellos que busquen un jamón con personalidad propia.

Excellent ham. Very tasty. Different from Jabugo or Guijuelo. Highly recommended for all those looking for a ham with personality.

December 31, 2010
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Prosciutto equilibrato se pur di sapore robustoHam balanced even if the robust flavor

Il prosciutto è di ottimo sapore, con un grasso solo lievemente pungente. Saporito ma non troppo, giuistamente grasso come deve essere un Bellota lasciando il giusto spazio alla parte magra.
se posso dare un consiglio ottimo il sugo al pomodoro con il grasso del prosciutto.

The ham is good taste, with a fat only slightly pungent. Tasty but not too fat giuistamente how to be a Ham leaving the right space at the lean. If I can give advice on good tomato sauce with the fat of the ham.

November 8, 2010
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Bonne qualité du produit mais poids mensongerGood product quality but deceptive weight

Tout chez Ibergour est bien réalisé, sauf malheureusement le vol organisé avec le poids des tranches mensongers.
A réception de ma commande, j'ai pesé le poids de mes sachets sans le cartonage mais toujours avec l'emballage sous vide.
Quelle ne fut pas ma surprise lorsque le poids affiché n'était que de 92 grammes !!! au lieu des 100 grammes vendus
A la pesée du jambon sans aucun emballage, le poids constaté est de 84 grammes.
Meme constat pour tout mes paquets !
le prix du jambon devient prohibitif, voire même plus cher que chez les épiceries spécialisées de Paris !

Everything about Ibergour is well done, except unfortunately the flight organized with the weight of the slices lying. Upon receipt of my order, I weighed the weight of my bags without cartonage but always with vacuum packaging. What was my surprise when the displayed weight was only 92 grams! instead of 100 grams sold to weigh the ham without any packaging, the weight recorded is 84 grams. The same goes for all my packages! ham price becomes prohibitive, even more than at specialty grocery stores in Paris!

October 24, 2010
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excellente jamon, nada seco, delicioso sabor, se funde en la bocaexcellente ham, not dry, delicious flavor, melts in your mouth

Hacia tiempo que no comia un jamon tan bueno porque el jabugo tiende a estar seco y este era muy meloso y sabrosisimo.

A while since I ate a ham jabugo so good because it tends to be dry and it was very sweet and tasty.

October 8, 2010
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La vallée de "los Peddroches" est depuis peu une appellation reconnue du jambon ibérique de bellota, et quelle appellation!
En effet pour entrer actuellement dans cette cour des grands il ne suffit plus de montrer patte noire, il faut aussi faire ses preuves et l'appellation vallee de los pedroches les a parfaitement faites.
Cela nous donne des jambons de première qualité très surveillés "appellation jeune" ces produits sont magnifiques et dépassent de loin d'autres appellations plus connues!
Le mien est magnifique Lucullus l'aurait adoré, Carême l'aurait adulé,et je suis heureux que ce ne soit pas le jambon préféré de Ferran Adria car ce monsieur n'est pas un cuisinier mais un traître au bon goût.
Je recommande le jambon de bellota de la valle de los pedroches à tous les vrais gourmets.

The Valley of Los Peddroches "is a designation recently recognized Iberian acorn ham, and what name! Indeed, to enter now in this hall of fame is no longer enough to show black paw, it must also be proven and designation valley los Pedroches has made perfectly. This gives us very high quality hams watched "designation young" these products are great and far exceed other better known names! Mine is beautiful Lucullus would have loved, Lent would have adored, and I am glad that this is not the preferred ham Ferran Adria as this gentleman is not a cook but a traitor to good taste. I recommend the ham from acorn to the Valle de los Pedroches to all true gourmets.

August 8, 2010
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Venerque FRANCE
Arôme Très persistant au palaisVery persistent Aroma Palace

J'ai reçu mon jambon tranché dans les temps, les tranches n'étaient ni trop sèches ni trop grasses.
Le goût de ce jambon est très parfumé avec une persistance au palais, le petit défaut c'est qu'il est un peu acide en bouche
C'est un bon jambon mais à choisir je préfère payer un peu plus cher et prendre la marque 5 jotas qui est superieure gustativement.

I got my ham sliced in time, the slices were neither too dry nor too greasy. The taste of the ham is very fragrant, with a persistence on the palate, the small defect is that it's slightly acidic in the mouth is a good ham, but to choose I'd rather pay a little more expensive and take the mark 5 jotas is superior taste.

June 22, 2010
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Pierluigi Pomante
Ciampino Italia
Le Saline di Formentera .The Saline of Formentera.

Sicuramente il peggior Bellota preso da Ibergour . Salato come un Serrano e con un sapore di ghianda vago . Come sapore ricorda il Covap Alta Expresion che però è molto più buono e costa molto meno . E'curioso che i due Bellota che ci sono piaciuti di meno ( Joselito e Los Pedroches ) siano fra i più cari del listino di Ibergour . Il rimpianto per il Frexnense precedente ( il migliore finora dei vari assaggiati ) fetta dopo fetta si fa più forte . Ottimo invece come sempre il servizio di Ibergour . Siamo curiosi di provare il Montefrio poi Frex toda la vida .

Definitely the worst Bellota taken by IberGour. Salty like a Serrano and with a vague taste of acorn. Like flavor reminiscent Covap Alta Expresion but is much good and much cheaper. E'curioso that the two Bellota that we liked less (Joselito and Los Pedroches) are among the most expensive of the IberGour list. Regret for the previous Frexnense (the best so far of the various tasted) slice by slice gets stronger. Excellent as always instead the IberGour service. We are curious to try the Montefrio then Frex toda la vida.

April 26, 2010
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Cristina B.
Roasio, Italia
Dolce e amaro nello stesso tempoSweet and bitter at the same time

Prosciutto dal gusto molto particolare, dolce e amaro nello stesso tempo, non troppo saporito , con una parte di grasso abbondante , ottimo con il pane nero.

Ham very particular taste, sweet and bitter at the same time, not too tasty, with plenty of fat, excellent with bread.

March 25, 2010
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José J.
Tomar, Portugal
Lo mejor en qualidad-precioBest in Quality-price

Mucho bon paladar y olor. Camina a pasos largos cómo Fernando Alonso en su Ferrari. Creo que va ser lo próximo Campéon Mundiale de los jamones. Tiene todas las potencialidades. Porque non?

Much bon taste and odor. Walk strides how Fernando Alonso in his Ferrari. I think it will be the world champion next hams. It has all the potential. For Non?

January 29, 2010
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Claudio G.
Savona, Italia
Esattamente quello che ci si aspetta da un prosciutto di bellotaExactly what you'd expect from a ham ham

buonissimo prosciutto dal profumo e sapore intenso , esattamente quello che ci si aspetta da un prosciutto di bellota di qualita'soldi ben spesi per qualsiasi bungustaio.

delicious ham aroma and intense flavor, exactly what is expected of a ham for ham qualita'soldi well spent for any bungustaio.

December 17, 2009
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