100% Iberico de Bellota, Pata Negra
Hams and shoulders are not packed in individual cartons. We place all the items you purchase in the smallest possible number of cartons to save on shipping costs. If you prefer having them packed in a different way, email us at info@ibergour.com indicating how many hams/shoulders you want, where you want them shipped and how you want them packed. We will calculate the additional cost of shipping according to your indications.
We ship the whole shoulder wrapped in grease-free paper and an outside cloth wrapper, all encased in a plastic bag for maximum hygiene. When you receive it, take it out of the bag and remove all the wrapping. You can keep it hung by the string at room temperature for up to 6 months before starting it. Once cutting has started, consume it in 1-2 months.
We remove the rind and the bone, cutting it into as many parts as you wish, and vacuum wrap each piece separately. We leave only the edible fat (ready to slice and serve).
We slice your entire shoulder and wrap the slices in 100-gram vacuum packs, separating them with plastic strips for easier serving.
We can slice the shoulder by machine (+€24.49) or with a knife (+€52.47).
La vitola roja en la pezuña de estos jamones indica que han sido otorgados con la Calidad Bellota, la calidad más alta de la D.O. Dehesa de Extremadura.
Eso significa que el Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Dehesa de Extremadura certifica que tienes en tus manos uno de los mejores jamones ibéricos de bellota que se producen en España.
El marcaje de los cerdos y la certificación de la pureza de la raza porcina, la supervisión de la alimentación (a base de bellota), los controles en el sacrificio, de la salazón y de los tiempos de secado, son la mejor garantía de la calidad de estos jamones.
69 reviews | ||
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Amazing product, amazing delivery (next day to the UK)
Looking forward to polishing off this wonderful ham!
Thank you very much ????
Ya llevamos comprando estas piezas desde hace mas de un año y llama la atención en todas las reuniones. Lo pedimos ya cortado porque así nos lo podemos llevar cómodamente para compartirlo con nuestra familia británica. Si no le doy la calificación de muy bueno es unicamente porque, en esta última ocasión, la pieza no estaba tan bien cortada como en otras ocasiones. Pero repetiré, seguro.
We have been buying these pieces for over a year now and they are a real eye-catcher at every gathering. We order it already cut so we can easily take it with us to share with our British family. If I don't give it a very good rating it is only because, on this last occasion, the piece was not as well cut as on other occasions. But I will definitely repeat.
Rapido y bueno.
Siempre es una fiesta comer jamon de calidad.
Satisfacción llena y listo para el siguente jamón.
Hasta pronto !!!
Fast and good. It's always a pleasure to eat quality ham. Full satisfaction and ready for the next ham. See you soon!!!
Alles super gelaufen. Der Schinken kommt gut verpackt. Das Holzgestell war nicht schwer zum Zusammenbauen. Einzig das Gewinde für die Fixierschraube für den Haxen musste ich mit dem Gewindeschneider etwas nacharbeiten. Da wurde wohl erst nach dem Gewindeschneiden drüber lackiert.
Der Schinken an sich war für diesen Preis wirklich sehr gut. Einiges Fett,ja, allerdings ist im Fett auch viel Geschmack und das überschüssige Fett kann fürs Kochen verwendet werden.
Von uns auf jeden Fall 5 Sterne
Everything went super. The ham comes well packaged. The wooden frame was not difficult to assemble. I only had to rework the thread for the fixing screw for the knuckle with the thread cutter. It was probably only painted over it after the thread was cut. The ham itself was really very good for this price. Some fat, yes, but there is also a lot of flavor in the fat and the excess fat can be used for cooking. Definitely 5 stars from us
Sono rimasto sorpreso dalla bontà di questa paleta, ben stagionata, con un giusto compromesso tra grasso e magro, saporita e davvero gustosa. Sinceramente non ha niente da invidiare a produttori più blasonati anzi, un pata negra così per il costo che ha è decisamente un acquisto veramente azzeccato. Penso di ricomprarla quando la finisco, quindi la consiglio a tutti. Servizio Ibergur sempre al top!
I was surprised by the goodness of this paleta, well seasoned, with the right compromise between fat and lean, tasty and really tasty. Honestly, it has nothing to envy of more renowned producers, on the contrary, a pata negra like this for the cost it has is definitely a really good purchase. I plan to buy it again when I finish it, so I recommend it to everyone. Ibergur service always at the top!
We ship to all countries in the European Union, United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Monaco.
Standard Shipping | €19.43 | To be delivered between Wednesday, April 02 and Friday, April 04 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it)* |
Super Express shipping | €119.72 | To be delivered between tomorrow Friday, March 28 and Monday, March 31 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it)* |
* These dates are valid if you do not request any handling. If you request any additional service (boning, slicing, etc.), add 2 working days.
You will choose your shipping speed later at checkout, after you fill in your delivery address.
The slicing of a ham with a knife is part of the genuine, quality Iberico ham tasting experience. It is a simple process too, with the right equipment. Nevertheless, certain safety measures should be observed.
Specialists in online sales
More than 30,000 clients throughout Europe
Direct selling from Spain, at spanish prices
Standard delivery in 4-6 days, Express in 1-2 days
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