Customers' reviews

"Paleta" D.O. Dehesa de Extremadura (Shoulder Jamon)

Pata negra
"Paleta" D.O. Dehesa de Extremadura (Shoulder Jamon)
Average rating:
68 reviews
Pedro Barrio
Pedro Barrio
Valdemorillo, Madrid, España
Para triunfar a un precio muy ajustadoTo succeed at a very tight price

Ya llevamos comprando estas piezas desde hace mas de un año y llama la atención en todas las reuniones. Lo pedimos ya cortado porque así nos lo podemos llevar cómodamente para compartirlo con nuestra familia británica. Si no le doy la calificación de muy bueno es unicamente porque, en esta última ocasión, la pieza no estaba tan bien cortada como en otras ocasiones. Pero repetiré, seguro.

We have been buying these pieces for over a year now and they are a real eye-catcher at every gathering. We order it already cut so we can easily take it with us to share with our British family. If I don't give it a very good rating it is only because, on this last occasion, the piece was not as well cut as on other occasions. But I will definitely repeat.

November 19, 2024
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Venezia Italia
Todo bienAll good

Rapido y bueno.
Siempre es una fiesta comer jamon de calidad.
Satisfacción llena y listo para el siguente jamón.
Hasta pronto !!!

Fast and good. It's always a pleasure to eat quality ham. Full satisfaction and ready for the next ham. See you soon!!!

November 15, 2024
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Hat allen bestens geschmecktEveryone enjoyed it very much

Alles super gelaufen. Der Schinken kommt gut verpackt. Das Holzgestell war nicht schwer zum Zusammenbauen. Einzig das Gewinde für die Fixierschraube für den Haxen musste ich mit dem Gewindeschneider etwas nacharbeiten. Da wurde wohl erst nach dem Gewindeschneiden drüber lackiert.
Der Schinken an sich war für diesen Preis wirklich sehr gut. Einiges Fett,ja, allerdings ist im Fett auch viel Geschmack und das überschüssige Fett kann fürs Kochen verwendet werden.
Von uns auf jeden Fall 5 Sterne

Everything went super. The ham comes well packaged. The wooden frame was not difficult to assemble. I only had to rework the thread for the fixing screw for the knuckle with the thread cutter. It was probably only painted over it after the thread was cut. The ham itself was really very good for this price. Some fat, yes, but there is also a lot of flavor in the fat and the excess fat can be used for cooking. Definitely 5 stars from us

January 2, 2024
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Piacevole sorpresaPleasant surprise

Sono rimasto sorpreso dalla bontà di questa paleta, ben stagionata, con un giusto compromesso tra grasso e magro, saporita e davvero gustosa. Sinceramente non ha niente da invidiare a produttori più blasonati anzi, un pata negra così per il costo che ha è decisamente un acquisto veramente azzeccato. Penso di ricomprarla quando la finisco, quindi la consiglio a tutti. Servizio Ibergur sempre al top!

I was surprised by the goodness of this paleta, well seasoned, with the right compromise between fat and lean, tasty and really tasty. Honestly, it has nothing to envy of more renowned producers, on the contrary, a pata negra like this for the cost it has is definitely a really good purchase. I plan to buy it again when I finish it, so I recommend it to everyone. Ibergur service always at the top!

December 14, 2023
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Muy BuenoVery good

Lo primero de todo, comentar que la garantía que ofrece Ibergour no es de boquilla, es de una seriedad de 10.
Compré esta paletilla, entera, por primera vez para regalar, así que no llegué a catarla pero me comentaron que estaba muy buena.
Me decidí a comprarla de nuevo unos meses más tarde para mi, y esta vez no tuve suerte: salió salado y más bien seco, pero Ibergour me ofreció sin ningún inconveniente un cambio por otra paletilla, y en menos de una semana la tenía en casa ya loncheada. Y esta vez tengo que decir que está de categoría, y sin duda recomendaría esta paletilla por calidad/precio, y a Ibergour por el servicio de atención al cliente que ofrecen.

First of all, comment that the guarantee offered by Ibergour is not lip service, it is a seriousness of 10. I bought this shoulder, whole, for the first time as a gift, so I did not get to taste it but they told me that it was very good. I decided to buy it again a few months later for myself, and this time I was not lucky: it came out salty and rather dry, but Ibergour without any inconvenience offered me an exchange for another shoulder, and in less than a week I had it at home already sliced. And this time I have to say that it is top class, and I would definitely recommend this shoulder for quality/price, and Ibergour for the customer service they offer.

September 29, 2023
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Bruno de Belgique
Bruno de Belgique
Très bon rapport qualité / prixVery good value for money

Livraison très rapide jusqu'en Belgique. Produit très bien emballé et apprécié de tous. Je repasserai certainement commande auprès d'Ibergour.

Very fast delivery to Belgium. Product very well packaged and appreciated by all. I will definitely order from Ibergour again.

September 7, 2023
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umberto Q.
umberto Q.
prato , Italia
Siamo al top !!We are at the top!!

Spedizione molto ben curata e arrivata velocemente ...
Prodotto di ottima qualita ' , faremo certamente altri acquisti
Il sito di vendita e' fatto molto bene e molto chiaro ...
Molto simpatica la comunicazione per email
Grazie di nuovo Umberto
( Prato ) Italia

Shipping very well taken care of and arrived quickly ... Excellent quality product, we will certainly make other purchases The sales site is very well done and very clear ... Very nice communication by email Thanks again Umberto (Prato) Italy

July 13, 2023
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L' Aquila (Italia)

È stato il primo patanegra acquistato all'estero, buon prodotto ...
Il consiglio Ke posso dare agli altri è di acquistarlo in autunno -inverno, perché la spedizione non avviene in frigo-cab e per giunta arriva co il grasso gocciolante.
Saluti Luigi

It was the first patanegra purchased abroad, good product ... The advice I can give to others is to buy it in autumn-winter, because shipping does not take place in a fridge-cab and, moreover, it arrives with dripping fat. Greetings Luigi

July 13, 2023
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Athens Greece
Very tasty better than 5J

hello allo this is probably the best Jamon, nice delicate taste , fatty yet soft in my point of view , also the best value for money...

July 3, 2023
Paletilla, jamón de buen saborShoulder, good-tasting ham

El problema que llegó muy caliente y está algo seca, pero el sabor es bueno. Seguramente el jamón será mas jugoso porque hay mas carne.

The problem is that it arrived very hot and is somewhat dry, but the flavor is good. Surely the ham will be juicier because there is more meat.

June 26, 2023
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Athens Greece
amazing full taste as good price

Usual great service from this company , very good rich taste well packaged. Personally the best I have taken from them so far better than 5J which was more dry and others...

March 14, 2023
Clermont Ferrand
Paleta D. O.Paleta DO

Très bon pour toute ma famille.
Merci pour ce bon produit. Délicieux pour parfumer un plat ou en copeaux pour l’apéritif.

Very good for all my family. Thank you for this good product. Delicious to flavor a dish or in shavings for an aperitif.

March 9, 2023
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San Vito
Molto interessanteVery interesting

Come da aspettative un ottima spalla,con un quantitativo di grasso, buono,importante..
La consiglierei sicuramente visto anche l ottima qualità/prezzo..

As expected, an excellent shoulder, with a good, important quantity of fat.. I would certainly recommend it also given the excellent quality / price..

March 6, 2023
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tutto perfettoall perfect

prodotti come da descrizione, consegna precisa e veloce... consigliatissimo
ho preso una spalla 5J ed ora una spalla Extremadura, entrambe 100% iberico de bellota... soddisfatto

products as described, precise and fast delivery ... highly recommended.
I took a 5J shoulder and now an Extremadura shoulder, both 100% iberico de bellota ... satisfied

January 2, 2023
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Vale!!esto JamonVale !! esto Jamon

Gusto e sapore inconfondibile che si esaltano se tolto dal sottovuoto di può mettere in cantina a temperatura giusta …abbinato al nostro pane toscano ed i pomodori di campo é un toccasana dopo una giornata lavorativa
Grazie Spagna

Unmistakable taste and flavor that are enhanced if removed from the vacuum can be put in the cellar at the right temperature ... combined with our Tuscan bread and field tomatoes is a panacea after a working day Thanks Spain

June 14, 2022
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Thomas Selinger
Thomas Selinger
Salzburg, Österreich
Der Mittelpunkt meiner Vernissage und dem AusstellungsfestThe focus of my vernissage and the exhibition festival

Bereits die Email das unser Jamon versandt wurde ließ mich herzhaft lachen, die Email wurde auch vor allen Freunden am spanischen Abend in meiner Galerie bei einer fulminanten Vernissage meiner neuen Ausstellung vorgetragen und sorgte für beste Stimmung.
Der Schinken war in Topform, Textur, Geschmack und Ansehen waren von allerbester Qualität. Dank mehrerer Youtube Videos war es mir auch möglich den Schinken Semi Professionell zu tranchieren und konnte ca. 1,5kg hauchdünn aufgeschnitten edlen Jamon Iberico an jenem Abend kredenzen. Am Tag darauf ging es mit dem Knochenmesser an die Reste und es waren noch ca 1 Kg aus dem Schinken zu schneiden. Also blieben 2 kg Knochen, Huf, Fett und Borstenspeck über der schwer oder gar nicht verwertbar war.
Ich habe mir einmal im Leben so etwas gewunschen, ich bin begeistert dass alles vom Versand über die Qualität bis zum Effekt für meine Freunde und Kunstsammler*innen so toll geklappt hat. Großes Lob und vielen Dank für euren einmaligen Job!!!
Kleine Kritik an der mitgelieferten Halterung und dem Messer. Vorab ist zu erwähnen dass es kostenlos war. Die Qualität war leider ganz schlecht sowohl die Schrauben sowie das Messer überlebten den Schinken nicht. Das Brett wurde immer lockerer, die Gewinde der Feststellschraube drehte sich aus und somit war keine Halterung mehr vorhanden und das Messer ging leider am Griff aus dem Leim. Somit kam es am nächsten Tag zum Sammelstoffzentrum (Schade) Lieber keine minderwertigen Gratiszugaben dafür ein Hinweis zu hochwertigen Werkzeug o.ä. das aber bloß am Rande erwähnt. Das hat der Party keinen Abbruch getan, meine neune Werke, Rioja, Sherry und Sangria ließen darüber hinweg sehen und das Fest war gewonnen
Ganz liebe Grüße, ich empfehle euch gerne weiter.
Thomas Selinger freischaffender Künstler aus Salzburg

The e-mail that our Jamon was sent already made me laugh heartily, the e-mail was also presented to all friends on the Spanish evening in my gallery at a brilliant vernissage of my new exhibition and created a great atmosphere.
The ham was in top shape, texture, taste and appearance were of the very best quality. Thanks to several YouTube videos, I was also able to carve the ham Semi Professional and was able to serve about 1.5 kg of fine Jamon Iberico sliced wafer-thin that evening. The next day we went to the leftovers with the bone knife and there were still about 1 kg to cut out of the ham. So there were 2 kg of bone, hoof, fat and fat left over which was difficult or impossible to use.
I wished for something like this once in my life, I'm thrilled that everything worked out so well for my friends and art collectors, from the shipping to the quality and the effect. Great praise and thank you for your unique job!!!
Small criticism of the supplied bracket and the knife. First of all, it should be mentioned that it was free. The quality was unfortunately very bad, neither the screws nor the knife survived the ham. The board became looser and looser, the thread of the locking screw turned out and therefore there was no longer a holder and the knife unfortunately fell out of the glue on the handle. So it came to the collection center the next day (a pity) Better no inferior free gifts for a note on high-quality tools or similar, but only mentioned in passing. That didn't detract from the party, my new works, Rioja, Sherry and Sangria let it be overlooked and the party was won.
Best regards, I'm happy to recommend you to others.
Thomas Selinger freelance artist from Salzburg

June 10, 2022
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Ottimo prodottoGreat product

Di solito prendo il prosciutto, questa volta ho voluto provare la spalla e sono rimasto sorpreso dalla qualità.
Leggermente più secca del prosciutto ma qualità gustative identiche.

I usually take prosciutto, this time I wanted to try the shoulder and was surprised at the quality. Slightly drier than ham but identical taste qualities.

March 13, 2022
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March 7, 2022
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gross jean-louis
gross jean-louis
épaule de jambon,je suis trés satisfait pour ma premiére commande,livraison,qualité,sérieux tout est excellentham shoulder, I am very satisfied with my first order, delivery, quality, seriously everything is excellent

je suis trés satisfait pour ma premiére commande,livraison,qualité,sérieux tout est excellent,je reviendrais et j'ai donné votre adresse à plusieurs de mes amis

I am very satisfied with my first order, delivery, quality, seriously everything is excellent, I would come back and I gave your address to several of my friends

December 23, 2021
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Prodotto eccezionaleExceptional product

Ho acquistato diverse settimane orsono una spalla Bellota D.O. Extremadura: un prodotto eccezionale. Già da molti anni acquisto questo tipo di prodotto presso Ibergour e non sono mai stato deluso. L’organizzazione di questa ditta è perfetta affidabile. Complimenti !

I bought a Bellota DO Extremadura shoulder several weeks ago: an exceptional product. I have been buying this type of product at Ibergour for many years and have never been disappointed. The organization of this firm is perfect reliable. Compliments !

February 3, 2021
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Ho fatto un buon acquistoI made a good purchase

Ho assaggiato il jamon iberico di bellota DO Extremadura pata negra e ne sono entusiasta. Un ottimo prodotto dal sapore unico e inconfondibile. È stato consegnato con celerità e rispettando i tempi previsti. Insomma, ho fatto un buon acquisto e ne sono contento.

I tasted the DO Extremadura pata negra Iberian bellota jamon and I am thrilled. An excellent product with a unique and unmistakable flavor. It was delivered quickly and on schedule. In short, I made a good purchase and I'm happy with it.

December 29, 2020
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samuele mariotti
Cesena, Italia

Pur non raggiungendo le vette del 5J si dimostra una ottima spalla. Il sapore è elegante anche se un filino chiuso. Comunque tanta roba.

While not reaching the heights of the 5J it proves to be an excellent shoulder. The taste is elegant even if a bit closed. However a lot of stuff.

March 30, 2020
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Prodotto eccellenteExcellent product

Ho preferito comprare la spalla disossata intera ,essendo più facile tagliare le fette con l’affettatrice iniziando dalla parte più stretta.So che il prodotto dovrebbe essere tagliato con il coltello, ma il sapore è buonissimo anche tagliandolo con l’affettatrice.Lo comprerò ancora.

I preferred to buy the whole boneless shoulder, being easier to cut the slices with the slicer starting from the narrowest part.I know that the product should be cut with a knife, but the flavor is very good also by cutting it with the slicer.I will buy it again . Salvo

January 15, 2020
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Charles Punnett
Charles Punnett
Good quality and flavour

Delivery was within timescale advertised. Had deboned and machine sliced - flavour of the ham is rich and full - have never had cause to complain when ordering from ibergour - hams are always good quality

December 23, 2019
José Luis
Zaragoza, España
producto extremeñoExtremaduran product

aunque es de Cáceres, siendo objetivos es un producto que he comprado en bastantes ocasiones y he de decir que se nota la bellota, un género de calidad, recomendable, firmado por uno de Fregenal de la Sierra

although it is from Cáceres, being objectives is a product that I have bought many times and I have to say that the acorn is noticed, a quality, recommended genre, signed by one of Fregenal de la Sierra

November 16, 2018
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José Luis
Zaragoza, España
un paletilla excepcionalan exceptional shoulder

la paletilla tiene un sabor extraordinario, todo lo que puede esperarse de una D.O extremeña, muy equilibrada entre el tocino y el magro

the shoulder has an extraordinary flavor, all that can be expected from a DO Extremadura, very balanced between bacon and lean

December 15, 2017
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Elke F.
Elke F.
Extremadura bellotaExtremadura bellota

Versand super, sehr gut verpackt und komplett- Knochen lagen auch dabei!!! Sehr guter Geschmack
Es war die erste Bestellung und mit diesen Erfahrungen nicht die letzte.

Shipping super, very well packed and completely. Bones were also doing !!! Very good taste. It was the first order and with these experiences is not the last.

September 4, 2016
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Excellent rapport qualité prix. Le goût est là. C'est un peut être un peu plus gras que le jambon mais il suffit d'en enlever un petit peu à la dégustation.
Le format d'une épaule est aussi plus facile à consommmer pour une petite famille.
Commandé désossé et parfaitement conditionné et livré par Ibergour.

Excellent value for money. The taste is there. This is a can be a little more fat than ham but it is enough to take a little tasting. The format of a shoulder is also easier to use for a small family. Ordered boneless and perfectly packaged and delivered by IberGour. Thank you

September 1, 2016
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ambleville , france
trés provery pro

bonjour à tous,
trés satisfait du professionnalisme de la société.
livraison suivie par internet, délais respectés.
qualité du jambon irréprochable.

hello all, very satisfied with the professionalism of the company. followed by internet delivery, deadlines met. impeccable quality ham. cordially bernard

December 29, 2015
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Auvergne, France
Excellent mais vraiment grasExcellent but really fat

Aucun problème de livraison qui est plutôt rapide. L'épaule est parfaitement emballée.
La viande est excellente, en revanche l'épaule est vraiment très (trop) grasse.
Le support pour découper est bien adapté.

No delivery problem which is rather fast. The shoulder is perfectly packed. The meat is excellent, however the shoulder is very (too) fat. The support is well suited for cutting.

December 27, 2015
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Prodotto sublime!!Product sublime !!

La spalla risponde qualitativamente alle aspettative. Ottima stagionatura, aroma e gusto. DA RIPROVARE. Corretti i tempi di consegna e imballaggio

The shoulder responds qualitatively to the expectations. Excellent seasoning, aroma and taste. TO TRY AGAIN. Fixed delivery times and packaging

November 22, 2015
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marcello laviani
marcello laviani
Milano, Italia
Ottima qualità del prodotto, confezionamento e spedizioneExcellent product quality, packaging and shipping

Tutto ok, prodotto ottimo ben porzionato, imballato e chiuso sotto vuoto. Spedizione veloce nei tempi previsti.

Everything ok, good product well portioned, packed and sealed under vacuum. Fast shipment schedule.

March 16, 2015
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Sergio Mancini
Sergio Mancini
Ottimo prodottoExcellent product

Non sono un esperto, ma ho gustato molte volte prosciutti spagnoli, e questo l'ho travato di ottima qualitá. Perfetto il confezionamento e spedizione puntuale.

I'm no expert, but I have tasted many times Spanish hams, and that's why I trussed of excellent quality. Perfect packaging and timely shipment.

August 19, 2014
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David K
South Yorkshire
Beautiful ham

Once again, both exceptional service and product from Ibergour.
This ham is extremely tasty, perfect level of meat to fat and also not overly salty at all. Will definitely be purchasing this brand again. Demolished it in less than a week and a half!

November 21, 2013
exceptionnel !!exceptional!

connaisseur en jambon espagnol, cette épaule de bellota est ecellente, pas salée du tout, vous trouverez tout l'arome et la saveur de ce jambon d'exception !!!
a conseiller vivement

Spanish ham connoisseur, this is ecellente bellota shoulder, not salty at all, you'll find all the aroma and flavor of this ham exception! A strongly advise.

April 14, 2013
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Krefeld, Deuschland
Vorderschinken im VergleichHam compared

man kann diesen vorderschinken mit keinem der in deutschland hergestellten schinken ver-
gleichen. im vergleich zu hinterschinken fällt auf, dass er fast genau so viel fett hat wie hinterschinken, aber vergleichsweise weniger und unterschiedliches muskelfleisch.
das muskelfleich enthält auffallend viel sehr feste partien, die geschmacklich auffallend weniger mild sind und nicht den typisch saftigen, nachhaltigen geschmack haben.

can shoulder ham with any of these manufactured in Germany ham com-pare. in behind ham comparative notice that he has almost as much fat behind as ham, but comparatively less and different muscle meat. the muskelfleich contains a remarkable amount of very solid matches, which are strikingly less flavorful mild and do not have the typical lush, sustainable taste.

August 25, 2012
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je m'attendais a une épaule plus épaisse , avec moins de gras , car le gras je connais c'est succulent mais là c'est trop car c'est l’équivalent de la chair QUI EST TRES SECHE, ayant acheter sur place un jour de passage dans la région , j'avais adoré ce met,ceci dit le gout y est , mais déçu quand même

I was expecting a shoulder thicker, with less fat, as fat I know it's delicious but this is too much because it's the equivalent of the flesh IS VERY DRY, having a buy on the spot day of visiting the area, I loved this dish, it says the taste is there, but still disappointed

August 12, 2012
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rob wood
super ham.super company

fast delivery,great honest and true company.100% will buy again.the ham was moist,sweet and very very good.loads of ham slices from small shoulder,but it was a perfect and easy thing to slice.thanks again and look forward to dealing with you again.

August 2, 2012
Michele C.
Very good ham

Very good ham, very tasty and reasonable price. Compared to the
Bellota Cerdos Extremenos, I still prefer the Bellota Cerdos

July 24, 2012
Nice ham

Thank you for the nice ham. The shipping worked as expected and the ham was delicious!
Will be ordering again.

April 1, 2012
meersman jan
meersman jan
temse vlaanderen

Taste very good, as expected.
Packaging O.K.
Only realy too much FAT. With bones together = surely more than 50 % from weight.

January 8, 2012
Latina (Italy)
Ottimo prodottoExcellent product

...con poco grasso per essere una spalla, sapore eccezionale. Spedizione velocissima, assistenza ok. Dopo aver provato altri distributori simili ricomprerò da Ibergour

... With a little fat to be a shoulder, exceptional flavor. Fast shipping, service ok. After trying other similar distributors will buy from Ibergour

December 23, 2011
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Angel Alvarez
Buena paletillagood shoulder

Buen sabor y en su punto de sal. Echo en falta, la etiqueta de composición del producto.No se sabe si este producto está curado y conservado sólo con sal, ó si se han utilizado nitritos y otros conservantes antinaturales....y a mí me gustaría saberlo. Gracias.

Good taste and point of salt. I miss the tag producto.No composition is unknown if this product is cured and preserved with salt only, or if you have used unnatural nitrites and other preservatives .... and I would like to know. Thank you.

December 19, 2011
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Great ham . Not much left now as had friends round for dinner who kept eating it.
Best one of several I have ordered.

December 12, 2011
Epaule Bellota AOC ExtremaduraBellota Shoulder AOC Extremadura

Je suis espagnol et je connais tres bien la qualite du jambon de bellota.
Je suis tres satisfait par rapport la qualite.
Coupe en fines lonchas et accompagne avec un peut de huille d'olive, du pain,tomate et une coup de vin rouge ... excellent !!!.

I am Spanish and I know very well the quality of Bellota ham. I am very satisfied with the quality report. Cut into thin lonchas and accompanies with a bit of capacity oil, olive bread, tomato and a shot of red wine ... excellent!.

May 15, 2011
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France, IDF
Tres bon maisVery good but

Cette epaule etait excellente du point de vue gustatif mais malheureusement la quantite de gras depassait de loin les annonces sur le site.
Mais j'ai aprecier la reponse de Ibergour a mon commentaire.

This shoulder was excellent in terms of taste, but unfortunately the amount of fat was beyond the ads on the site. But I apreciate the response of Ibergour to my comment.

February 28, 2011
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Plusieurs adresses en France
Ibergour ? Grands professionnels!Ibergour? Great professionals!

Un petit commentaire rapide pour dire tout le professionnalisme de votre société;
les produits sont remarquables dans leur goût et leur qualité.
Toute la logistique (Commande, emballage et expédition et délais de livraison) sont Parfaits.
Nous sommes, nous mêmes des industriels dans l'environnement ( et je puis vous féliciter pour la très grande qualité de votre maison.
Surtout continuez comme cela !!
On ne va pas tarder à recommander
Avec nos meilleures salutations

A quick little comment to say all the professionalism of your company, the products are excellent in taste and quality. All the logistics (Command, packing and shipping and delivery times) are perfect. We are ourselves in the industrial environment ( and then I congratulate you for the great quality of your home. VIVA ESPANA! Especially continue like that! We will soon recommend Sincerely Denis Sicamois

February 6, 2011
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Excellent produitExcellent product

Maturité de 24 mois minimun, ce qui veut dire que le goût est très concentré, même si certaines parties deviennent un peu sèches. C'est un superbe produit que je recommande absolument. A mon avis aussi bon voire meilleur que le Josélito qui coûte plus cher.

Minimum maturity of 24 months, which means that the flavor is very concentrated, even if some parts get a little dry. It is a great product that I absolutely recommend. In my opinion as good or better than the more expensive Joselito.

February 3, 2011
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nord France
épaule pata negra désosséeShoulder boneless pata negra

Epaule de grande qualité conforme aux standarts pata negra . On ajoute la praticité de l' épaule désossée et livrée en 2 paquets avec os joints .
A recommander .

Shoulder high quality in accordance with standarts pata negra. It adds the convenience of the shoulder bone and delivered 2 packages bone joints. Would recommend.

January 8, 2011
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Ignacio I.
Bilbao, España
La maza excelenteExcellent hub

La maza de esta paletilla ha sido para nota. Sabrosa y tierna con una grasa que se desacía en la boca. La contramaza y el codillo, por otra parte me han decepcionado un poco: muy secos. A pesar de todo, le doy la calificación máxima porque empecé a cortar la paletilla por la maza a pesar de que se recomienda empezar por la contramaza. Tal vez habría estado más tierna si hubiera empezado por el lado correcto.

The hub of this blade has been to note. Tasty and tender with a deacidification fat in the mouth. The contramaza and shank, on the other hand I am disappointed a little, very dry. Nevertheless, I give the maximum grade because I started to cut the shoulder by the club although we recommend you start by contramaza. It might have been more tender if he had started on the right side.

January 4, 2011
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Nada del otro mundoNothing fancy

Tal vez a alguien le pueda parecer la mejor paletilla del mundo. He probado el jamón y la paletilla de esta denominación y siento tener que decir que no volveré a comprar ninguno de ellos. La paletilla que me tocó era incluso superior al jamón, pero ambos, paletilla y jamón me han parecido francamente mediocres. Lo siento pero no puedo decir ni una palabra buena.

Maybe someone can seem like the best blade in the world. I tried the ham and shoulder of this denomination, and I regret to say that I will not buy any of them. The shoulder that I got was even higher than ham, but both shoulder and ham I found downright mediocre. Sorry but I can not say a good word.

January 3, 2011
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Luis A.
Sachsen, Deutschland
Jamón exquisito y buen servicio al cliente..Jamón y buen servicio al cliente exquisito ..

Soy de Extremadura, y he probado buenos jamones, y aunque siempre existe una diferencia lógica entre el jamón deshuesado y el jamón tradicional. Tengo que decir que, aún siendo deshuesado, hacía tiempo que no probaba uno tan rico. El DO Dehesa de Extremadura tiene una calidad excelente!!.
Muy buena y práctica preparación del producto en dos piezas.
Por otro lado, tengo que decir que Ibergour tiene un buen servicio post-venta. Ya que hubo algún problema de retraso con el envío, y me llamaron por teléfono para hacerme saber que se estaban ocupando del asunto para que finalmente recibiera la compra convenientemente.

Soy de Extremadura, y he PROBADO jamones buenos, y aunque siempre existe una diferencia entre el jamón Lógica deshuesado tradicional y el jamón. Tengo que decir que, Aún Siendo deshuesado, hacia tiempo que no probaba uno tan rico. DO Dehesa de Extremadura el tiene una calidad excelente!. Muy buena y práctica preparación del producto en dos piezas. Por otro lado, tengo que decir que tiene un buen servicio Ibergour post-venta. Ya que hubo algún problema con el retraso de Envío, por teléfono y me llamaron para hacerme saber que se del asunto para que Estaban ocupando finalmente la compra recibiera convenientemente.

January 3, 2011
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Dr. Degenhart
Qualitativ hervorragendes Produkt, Lieferservice otpimalExcellent product quality, delivery service otpimal

Mit dem Vorderschinken entbeint - Dehesas de Estremadura - sind wir sehr zufrieden - intensiver Geschmack, gut gelagert, entspricht der Qualität in guten Restaurants vor Ort;
guter Zuschnitt, mit nicht zuviel Fett, lässt sich gut aufschneiden;
praktische Verpackung in zwei Pakete je 1 kilo, pünktlicher, poerfekter Lieferservice,
in jeder Hinsicht zu empfehlen.

With the ham boned - Dehesas de Extremadura - we are very satisfied - intense flavor, stored well, quality is in good restaurants on site, good cut, with not too much fat can be cut well, practical package into two packages per 1 kilo , poerfekter delivery service, in all respects to recommend, on time.

December 6, 2010
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Lünen Germany
Zuviel fettToo much fat

Als ich den Schinken auspackte war ich erst sehr erfreut , doch dann versuchte ich an das Fleisch ( Schinken) zu kommen . Nachdem ich ungefähr 2 Kilo fett und 300 Gramm knochenhartes Fleisch entfernt hatte sah ich den Schinken. Geschmacklich ist er gut doch wenn ich dann rechne 120 Euro für 2 kg fett 1 kg Knochen und ca. 300 Gramm ungenießbares Fleisch ( Schinken ) dann bleiben roundabout 800 Gramm Schinken übrig . Das Heist 15 Euro für 100 Gramm.
Also wie gesagt geschmacklich super aber auch sehr teuer.

When I unwrapped the ham I was only pleased, but then I tried the meat (ham to come). After about 2 pounds fat and 300 grams of bone-meat had been removed, I saw the ham. The taste is good but then when I count 120 € for 1 kg 2 kg fat and 300 grams of bone unpalatable meat (ham) roundabout will remain 800 grams left over ham. The Heist 15 euros for 100 grams So as I said taste great but also very expensive.

August 3, 2010
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Sono al secondo acquisto e anche questa volta devo dire: ottimo prodotto e ottima organizzazione di vendita se si riuscisse a separare le fette tra di loro per rendere più agevole il consumo saremmo alla perfezione

Are the second purchase and again I say: good product and good sales organization if we could separate the slices together to make it easier consumption would perfectly

July 15, 2010
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passédat roland
trés grande qualité gustativevery high quality taste



July 8, 2010
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Genova- Italy
Ottimo prodottoExcellent product

Da amante del Jamon Bellota gustato direttamente in Spagna giudico il prodotto ottimamente per sapore. La spalla ha un gusto direi paragonabile alla coscia; ho notato parecchio scarto come grasso e osso, ma potrebbe essere nomale, è la prima volta che acquisto un pezzo intero con osso : per il momento la metà del peso va via in scarto ( ma ho appena iniziato la spalla dal cosciotto con l'unghia rivolta in basso). Pienamente soddisfatto.

From lover Jamon Bellota tasted directly in Spain think the product well for flavor. The shoulder has a taste I would say comparable to the thigh, I noticed a lot of difference as fat and bone, but it could be, normal is the first time I buy a whole piece on the bone for the time half the weight goes away in waste (but I just started back from the leg with the nail facing down). Fully satisfied.

June 21, 2010
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Birmingham - England
Great product and excellent service

We bought the paletilla because it is considerably cheaper than the jamon and having not used Ibergour before we did not want to commit too much. However, it transpired that the service from Ibergour was first rate. We received a well packed paletilla within a week of ordering. It included a knife, stand and complimentary packet of ham. I'll probably buy the jamon (hind leg) next time.
Any experienced lover of bellota will know what to expect. For those new to this kind of thing prepare yourselves for mouth watering deliciousness. It is worth reading the tasting notes that Ibergour provide as well as the detailed descriptions of the product types. When travelling in Spain it really does help to have an understanding of the mind boggling variety of jamones in front of you. I have no doubt that all the hams sold by Ibergour are top quality and I intend to try as many different ones as I can afford.
Many thanks to Ibergour. My Spanish wife and I have been waiting for years for a Spanish company to do this properly and you certainly have delivered. Well done.

May 9, 2010
Francesco R.
Francesco R.
Roma, Italia
Pienamente soddisfattoFully satisfied

per la prima volta ho acquistato questo tipo di prodotto via internet,rimanendo pienamente soddisfatto sia per la bontà del prodotto che la rapidità e la cortesia con cui l'ho ricevuto. il mio giudizio non può che essere estremamente positivo. il voto è 5. Grazie per la cortese attenzione.

for the first time I bought this type of product over the Internet, being fully satisfied both for the quality of the product that the speed and courtesy with which I received. my opinion can only be extremely positive. rating is 5. Thank you for your attention.

April 26, 2010
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Eduardo Manchón
Eduardo Manchón
Una buena paletillaA good shoulder

Pedí esta paletilla para regalar a un amigo por dos razones, por un lado el precio y por otro lado que esta persona vive sola, así que comerse un jamón entero era demasiado. La verdad es que mi amigo quedó muy satisfecho por el sabor, sobre todo el día que hicimos el experimento de comparar el saber de este jamón y unas lonchas de jamón no ibérico que tenía en casa, ni punto de comparación, daba miedo porque una vez pruebas el ibérico el otro te parece insípido. No soy un experto, pero esta paletilla tenía el punto justo de sal y de curación, aparte de un precio imbatible. Mi amigo como cualquier profano se sorprendió por la capa de grasa inicial que hay que quitar antes que aparezca la carne, pero que a la segunda semana ya le había cogido el tranquillo y ya cortaba lonchas bastante finas, la verdad es que tener la jamonera y el cuchillo incluidos con el jamón viene muy bien.

I asked this shoulder to give to a friend for two reasons, firstly the price and on the other side that this person lives alone, so I eat a whole ham was too much. The truth is that my friend was very pleased by the flavor, especially the day we did the experiment to compare the knowledge of the few slices of ham and Iberian ham had no home, no comparison, it was scary because once test on the other you think Iberian tasteless. I'm no expert, but the shoulder was the point just salt and cure, apart from an unbeatable price. My friend as any layman was surprised by the initial layer of fat must be removed before you see the flesh, but in the second week and had caught the hang of it and it cut very thin slices, the truth is that having the ham and the knife included with the ham comes in handy.

April 19, 2010
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Claudio Comella
Claudio Comella
Para los amantes de MaldonadoFor lovers of Maldonado

Paletilla de la Dehesa de Extremadura cosecha 2008 altamente recomendable; para todas aquellas personas que sean fanáticas de Maldonado les aconsejo que prueben esta paletilla que Ibergour ha seleccionado.
Probablemente sea de las paletas mas finas que haya probado de extremadura junto con Maldonado; punto de salazon justo y bien conjuntado con el dulzor de una grasa rosadita muy atractiva. Me encanta este tipo de paletas que puedes fundir completamente la grasa en boca y después te hace salivar.
Aromáticamente repleto de finura para paladares selectos.
Si sois talibanes de jamones y paletas saladas, con fortor y retrogusto dominado por sensaciones rancio-picantes no os la aconsejo
Una excelente compra y muy buen trabajo de Ibergour!
Acompañarla con champagne rosado tipo Billecart Salmon Rosé o Fino Antique Fernando Castilla (se complementan perfectamente las notas salinas y de frutos secos del fino con todo el gusto de la bellota y las sensaciones sutiles de sotobosque de la paleta)

Shoulder of the 2008 vintage Dehesa de Extremadura highly recommended, for all those people who are fans of Maldonado I advise you to try this shoulder Ibergour selected. It is probably the finest blades that have proven with extremadura Maldonado salting point fair and jointly with the sweetness of a rosy fat attractive. I love this type of pallets you can completely melt the fat in the mouth and then makes you salivate. Aromatically palate full of finesse to select. If you are Taliban hams and salted, with Fortore and aftertaste dominated by stale-spicy sensations do not be the A great buy and recommend very good job of Ibergour! Accompany it with pink champagne type Billecart Salmon Rosé or Fernando Castilla Antique Fino (the notes are perfectly complementary salt and nuts with all the fine taste of the acorn and the subtle sensations understory of the palette)

April 17, 2010
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Gianluca M.
Potenza, Italia
Paleta ottimaPaleta excellent

Paleta ottima, molto carnosa, stagionatura eccellente, prodotto decisamente consigliato

Paleta good, very meaty, seasoned excellent product definitely recommended

April 16, 2010
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Valerio B.
Treviso, Italia
Profumo eccellente, gusto intensoExcellent scent, intense flavor

Profumo eccellente, gusto intenso , confenzionamento in due pezzi utile , spedizione e consegna rapida, questo risulta il più gradito fra i tre acquisti.

Excellent scent, taste intense Box containing two useful pieces, shipping and quick delivery, this is the most welcome among the three purchases.

April 6, 2010
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Jacques P.
Jacques P.
Brive La Gaillarde, France
Trop secToo dry

Trop sec,pas assez moelleux a mon gout, j'essayerai celui coupé en tranches sous vide pour voir la difference.

Too dry, too sweet to my taste, I'll try it sliced vacuum to see the difference.

March 12, 2010
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Karlsruhe, Deutschland
War ich sehr zufriedenI was very satisfied

mit denen bei Ihnen gekauften Produkten - Pata Negra Bellota Vorderschinken Extremadura- war ich sehr zufrieden. Ich bewerte das Produkt und den Lieferservice mit der Note 4*

with which you purchased items - Pata Negra Bellota ham Extremadura I was very pleased. I rate the product and the delivery service with a grade of 4 *

December 17, 2009
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Isabel G.
Cherasco, Italia
Nada que envidiar al jamónNothing to envy the ham

Muy buena. Nada que envidiar a su hermano grande el "jamon". La paletilla es siempre una buena eleccion cuando no se quiere tanta cantidad.

Very good. Nothing to envy to its big brother the "ham." The shoulder is always a great choice when you do not want so much.

July 14, 2008
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Silvino M.
Siero, España
Uno de los mejores productos ibéricos que he consumidoOne of the best products I've consumed Iberian

Primera compra de productos a Ibergour y uno de los mejores productos ibéricos que he consumido, muy superior a lo consumido en buenos restaurantes. Por la satisfacción de esta experiencia, he vuelto a adquirir mas productos con esta denominación de origen.

First Ibergour purchase of products and one of the best Iberian products I've consumed, much higher than used in fine restaurants. For the satisfaction of this experience, I returned to purchase more products with this designation of origin.

September 6, 2007
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Joan R.
Cardedeu, Barcelona
Grandes cualidades olfativas y gustativasGreat smell and taste qualities

Jamon de grandes cualidades, tanto a nivel gustativo como olfativo. Buena pieza, poco grasa, sabor intenso. Uno de los mejores que he degustado.

Ham great qualities, both taste and smell. Good piece, low in fat, intense flavor. One of the best I've tasted.

December 29, 2006
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