Jamon from Jabugo

Since 2017, only hams and shoulders certified by the Jabugo Designation of Origin can legally be called "Jamón de Jabugo"

5 products
Pata negra
Jamon Montefrío D.O. Jabugo Summum Ham
100% Iberico de Bellota

Jamon Montefrío D.O. Jabugo Summum Ham

Not available. We are waiting for new stock to arrive, but we don't yet know when we are going to receive it.
€850.08jamon weighing 9.25 kg
Pata negra
Jamon Altanza D.O. Jabugo Summum Ham
100% Iberico de Bellota

Jamon Altanza D.O. Jabugo Summum Ham

Stock: 3 jamones.
€464.007.25 to 9 kg jamones
Pata negra
"Paleta" Domecq (Shoulder Jamon)
100% Iberico de Bellota

"Paleta" Domecq (Shoulder Jamon)

Stock: 12 paletillas.
€279.784.75 to 6.5 kg paletillas
Pata negra
"Paleta" Montefrío D.O. Jabugo Summum (Shoulder Jamon)
100% Iberico de Bellota

"Paleta" Montefrío D.O. Jabugo Summum (Shoulder Jamon)

Not available. We are waiting for new stock to arrive, but we don't yet know when we are going to receive it.
€364.00paletilla weighing 6.5 kg
Pata negra
Jamon Altanza Bellota Ham
100% Iberico de Bellota

Jamon Altanza Bellota Ham

Stock: 3 jamones.
€423.208 to 9 kg jamones
Returns Guarantee
100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back
Ham stand + jamon carving knife

Ham stand + jamon carving knife

FREE with all bone-in jamones and paletas (shoulders)